Everone Active 10k- Race Cancellation Info - Email sent 3:00pm 1st May


Hi Everyone
I hope you are keeping fit and free of Covid-19.
You are receiving this email because you had entered the race or you had signed up to the waiting list.
Unfortunately, the latest update from England Athletics means that, as expected, we have to cancel this race.
For those on the waiting list there is nothing to do as it will be scrubbed.
Those that entered will automatically be deferred to the 2021 race, and no further action is required unless you wish to have a refund, in which case you will need to reply to this email to request a refund.
The refund amount will be the total entry fee paid less the EntryCentral processing charge included in that fee, which we can’t recover. ie £12 for EA registered or £14.88 for unregistered.
I strongly suspect that the 5k race on 15th July will have to be cancelled also - but I will await further updates. 
My gut feeling is it that we may not be able to hold any races until there is population wide vaccination available ie beyond the end of 2020.
Stay safe